Getting the Gist of Juicing (My Routine and Recipes)
Juicing has been a trendy health craze for quite some time now, but not everybody may know where to begin. When you hear the word “juicing” you might associate it with the word “cleansing”. Although I have personally done a few cleanses myself, this article is focused on how you can incorporate juicing into your everyday life, whereas cleanses should be done sparingly and carefully. This is perfect for people who are preparing for a big upcoming vacation this spring break
. First things first, it is recommended not to mix fruits and vegetables, which is why I make them separately. Fruits and vegetables require different enzymes for digestion. Combining the two can hinder the digestive process. Apples are the only exception. The picture displayed on the left shows three juices that I will be talking about today – all of which I make at the same time, and drink throughout the day. In order from left to right: Breakfast – Roots and greens juice
Before lunch – Pine(green) apple, coconut juice Throughout the day – Cayenne pepper lemonade The first one I make is a the cayenne pepper lemonade. Since I make them all at the same time, lemonade is the most neutral thing to juice without having to worry about mixing flavors. This delicious concoction serves as a detox, anti-inflammatory, metabolism and immunity boost! To make this cayenne pepper lemonade, you need:
- 2 peeled lemons
- 1/6 tsp of cayenne pepper
- Agave, stevia, maple syrup or sugar to sweeten
- 12 oz of water
The next one is a pine(green) apple, coconut juice. This combination serves as a great anti-inflammatory, loaded with fiber and potassium. To make this, you need:
- 1 green apple
- 1 – 2 cups of chopped pineapple
- 6 – 8 oz of coconut water (or water)
The last juice I make, but the first one I drink, is a roots and greens juice. This is LOADED with multiple nutrients that will keep you satisfied. Keep in mind that the body is hungry for nutrients, not necessarily just solids. You will need:
- 1/2 – 1 beet
- 2 – 3 carrots
- 1/2 a lemon
- A variety of your favorite greens. In this case, I use:
- Broccoli
- Chard
- Kale
- Cucumber
The great thing about juicing is that you can customize them to your liking and try out a routine that works for you!
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