Tuesday 25 February 2014

Thursday 20 February 2014

Question, What Can I Eat Before, During And After Exercise?

Question, What Can I Eat Before, During And After Exercise?

Someone asked on twitter what the best thing to eat after a workout is and this got me thinking about food and exercise in general. I know I don't always eat the right things to get the best out of my workouts, because food can affect how you perform. I consulted WebMD and found a number of questions on this matter.

Eating right can give you the edge to help energize your workout or reach that 26th mile. But which foods are best for fitness activities, and which should you avoid? With so many sports drinks, bars, powders, and supplements to choose from, how do you know which are best? Or can you skip the expensive supplements and get everything you need from a well-planned diet?

Sports nutrition expert Christine Rosenbloom, PhD, RD, CSSD, author and nutrition professor at Georgia State University in Atlanta has some answers to such questions:

What is the best thing to eat before exercising for energy and endurance?

Fueling exercise requires quality carbohydrates, lean protein, heart-healthy fats, and fluids. Your muscles rely on carbohydrate foods like breads, cereals, pasta, rice, fruits, and vegetables for a quick energy source. Protein is needed to build and maintain muscles and for healthy blood cells. Blood cells deliver nutrients and oxygen to working muscles.

Foods provide the gas to the body's engine, and fluids provide the water to your body's radiator. Without these crucial fuels and fluids, your body will have a hard time performing at its best.
Is there an ideal pre-sport or exercise meal?

The ideal pre-sport meal has five characteristics:

1. Low fat
2. Moderate in carbohydrates and protein
3. Low fiber
4. Contains fluids
5. Made up of familiar, well-tolerated foods.

The pre-game meal is not the time to try a new food. A grilled chicken sandwich or a slice of cheese pizza might fit the pre-game meal description, but stay clear of the fried food (including french fries), greasy burgers, and soft drinks.

Why is it so important to drink plenty of liquids during exercise?

Not only does being well hydrated improve your performance, it can save your life. Water acts as your body's cooling system; without sufficient water during exercise your body temperature can reach dangerously high levels.

The best way to stay hydrated is to drink plenty of fluids with meals and drink about two cups (16 ounces) of water two hours before exercise. Monitor your hydration status through two simple measures:

Weigh yourself before and after exercise and replace lost weight with 2 cups of fluids for each pound lost.
Check the color of your urine. When you're hydrated, your urine will be a light straw color.

Is it better to stay hydrated with sports drinks or plain water?

Recreational athletes can drink water for hydration. But if you're exercising for more than 60 minutes in hot, humid conditions, sports drinks provide not only fluid, but carbohydrate and sodium. Sports drinks are also a good choice if you play team sports like soccer or football, especially when the temperature and humidity are high. If you are a heavy sweater, a sports drink might be preferable to water.

Is it bad to exercise on an empty stomach, especially in the morning?

It really depends on the type of exercise -- a brisk walk or light jog on an empty stomach is fine; just drink a glass of water before heading out the door. For more intense exercise, eat some easy-to-digest carbs (a packet of instant grits, a slice of toast, half a plain bagel, a banana, or cup of fruit cocktail washed down with a glass of water) to help provide fuel. After sleeping, the overnight fast can deplete your liver stores of carbohydrate, so a quick boost of carbs before longer exercise is recommended.

Can eating a high-protein diet help bulk up muscles?

The only way to bulk up muscles is to hit the gym and perform progressive resistance exercises. Protein can help provide the raw material to build muscle, but the protein has to be pulled into muscles through exercise. Aim to eat a small amount of protein (10-20 grams, or about 2-3 ounces of lean meat, 2 cups of low-fat milk, or a scoop of most protein powders) after each bout of weight training to give your muscles the needed building blocks.

Why do you need to eat protein or drink protein shakes after exercising?

Muscles need protein for recovery and growth, and the best time to deliver protein appears to be right after exercise. Providing high-quality protein after exercise gives your muscles the fuel and the building blocks needed for both repair and for growth.

Protein shakes and powders carry a certain allure, but your muscles don't care if the protein comes from a hard-boiled egg, glass of chocolate milk or whey protein shake. Whatever you choose, more isn't better -- only 10 to 20 grams of protein is needed to provide amino acids (the building blocks of protein) to muscles.

With so many sports drinks, bars, and more to choose from, how do you make the best choices?

A good sports drink contains 14-15 grams of carbohydrate in 8 ounces. It should also contain about 110 milligrams of sodium and 30 milligrams of potassium in the same volume. But if you are exercising to lose weight, stick to water or a "lighter" version of sports drinks with fewer carbs and calories.

Look for energy bars that contain about 5 grams of protein, with some carbohydrate (preferably with more naturally occurring sugars) and very little fat. Many energy bars are just glorified, expensive candy bars, so remember that "energy" means calories and watch out for high-calorie bars. They are helpful for athletes on the go, so if you can't eat before a long tennis match, an energy bar can help.

Choose protein powders made from whey protein or milk proteins (milk protein contains two types of proteins, both whey and casein). Use them within 30 minutes after exercising to provide needed amino acids to muscles. For weight gain, use a protein drink as an evening snack.

Are there any benefits to exercising in the morning vs. at night?

The best advice is to just do it. There are no benefits to either time; it's simply a matter of personal choice. Some people prefer morning exercise and the satisfaction that it is done without worrying that it will be squeezed out by their daily routine. Others prefer to exercise later in the day, when muscles are warmed up, and it helps revive them for the evening. The only caution is not to exercise close to bedtime, as the increase in body temperature and metabolism may interfere with sleep.

What are good, healthy snacks for kids during sport activities or practice?

When it is your turn to bring the snacks, keep it simple and healthy. Let's face it; young kids don't burn a lot of calories in a recreational weekly soccer game, so provide healthy snacks in small quantities. Orange or apple slices; peanut butter sandwiches cut into quarters; string cheese and whole-grain crackers; and trail mix made with whole-grain cereal, nuts, and dried fruit; along with fruit juice, are good choices.

Can you lose weight without having to exercise?

Yes, you can, but the best strategy is a combination of cutting calories and exercising. Exercise has other benefits that can help with weight loss. It improves mood and self-esteem, as well as reduces risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

Exercise burns fewer calories than you might think. Walking 1 mile burns about 100 calories and 1 pound of body fat is a storage depot for 3,500 calories. You'd have to walk 35 miles to lose 1 pound of fat. 

Friday 14 February 2014


                                             BUILD MUSCLE ALL DAY

Sure, you want a broader chest and abs that whistle in the wind. Biceps that bulge through your shirtsleeves would be nice too. But these aren't the only reasons you hit the gym. You also work out to burn off the aloo parantha you had for breakfast (and to guard against tomorrow's puri channa). You might even believe that an hour of pushing weights makes up for eight spent sitting at a desk. And as long as you don't miss that hour each day, you will build a body that makes the doe-eyed colleague take notice.


The reality: the rest of your day is just as important for building muscle. "The point of working out is to force your body to adapt," says Mumbai-based Frank Mapranny, training director at Your Fitness Club chain of gyms. "But those adaptations don't occur in the gym-they occur during all the hours you're not there." Build muscle on the 24-7 plan with these tips.7 A.M.
Wake up with water

When you roll out of bed in the morning, chug half a litre of chilled H2O-the volume in a typical consumer bottle-and you can raise your metabolism by 30 per cent, according to scientists in Germany and Canada. The fat-burning benefits don't stop there: that same study found that the metabolic boost lasted for up to 90 minutes after people took their last sips.
7:30 A.M.
Rethink your cereal

In a recent study in Nutrition Today, only 55 per cent of the tested cereals billed as "whole grain" were a "good source" of belly-filling fibre. "Most cereals are high in sugar and low in muscle-building protein," says Seema Singh, chief of clinical nutrition and dietetics, Fortis Hospital, New Delhi. Try this instead: ½ cup oats, 1 cup of toned milk, and handful of sprouts. "You'll get around 26gms of protien," says Singh. You'll also feel full for hours despite having eaten only about 360 calories.
8 A.M.
Beat the traffic

If you're among the 41 per cent of Indians who commute less than 2-3km to work, leave your car at home and walk. Live too far away? Hop off the bus or cab a stop or two early, or park far from your building's entrance. "This way you could burn as many as 200 extra calories," says Nick Tumminello, C.P.T., of Performance University. "It may not sound like much, but the calories add up quickly." Or rather, they subtract quickly-about 500gm of fat a month.


10 A.M.
Mobilise your shoulders

Bending over a keyboard can turn you into a hunchback. "Your muscles and tissues adapt to that position, reducing mobility and increasing your injury risk," says Arun Kumar, Bangalore-based fitness head of Snap Fitness chain of gyms. Your fix: standing Ys. Face a wall and place your forearms against it, elbows tucked by your ribs. Slide your forearms up until they form a Y; then pull them backward, off the wall. Reverse to the starting position. That's 1 rep. Do 10.
11 A.M.
Schedule your workouts

Programme your daily sweat sessions into your calendar and set an alert. In a Clayton State University study, people who received workout reminders spent more time exercising each week than those who didn't get the alerts. Plus, according to a research from Tunisia, working out at the same time each day triggers hormonal adaptations that make you strongest at that point.
12 P.M.
Load up on protein

To build muscle, you need protein-ideally, 2gm per 1kg of your target body weight per day. So make it the star of your lunch, says Singh. "Add more of protiens-1 cup each of dal and curd, 100gm of chicken or fish," she adds. Skip appetisers and extra sides-you'll cut calories, not satisfaction, a study in the journal Health Affairs concludes.
1 P.M.
Dial back the AC

Office temperatures below 22ºC are productivity killers, say researchers at Cornell University. If you're able to access the thermostat, keep it at 22ºC. If you're not, throw on a light sweater. By staying comfortable, you'll accomplish more work in less time-and be that much less likely to skip your workout later in the afternoon.

2 P.M.
Take a nap

"Napping reduces the stress hormone cortisol and promotes muscle-building growth hormone," says W. Christopher Winter, M.D., the Men's Health sleep medicine advisor. "Taking a short nap, even for just 15 minutes, creates an environment in your body that builds muscle and burns fat."
3 P.M.
Mobilise your legs

"If you don't take the time to work your hips, ankles and glutes throughout the day, you'll be too tight to lift properly when you eventually hit the gym," says Mapranny. To loosen up, squat until your glutes nearly touch your heels; grab the edge of your desk for balance if you need to. Hold that position for 45 seconds, and then stand back up. Repeat three times.
4 P.M.
Grab another coffee

Drinking the equivalent of two cups of coffee about an hour before you work out can help you lift more weight, a study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found. The reason: caffeine blocks the signals of pain and fatigue that your muscles send to your brain, boosting your performance as a result.
5 P.M.
Skip the painkiller

It's time to work out. But don't pop an ibuprofen to alleviate lingering soreness from yesterday's workout. You'll not only stall muscle growth by disrupting collagen production but also leave yourself vulnerable to gastrointestinal irritation-cramps, diarrhoea, intestinal bleeding and nausea. The better remedy: a post-workout massage.

6 P.M.
Hop onto the table

Try to fit in a professional rubdown; just 10 minutes can ease post-exercise soreness and may speed recovery, say researchers in Canada. Too busy? Grab a foam roller and hit the floor. As little as two minutes of rolling can increase your range of motion by 13 per cent, another Canadian study found. Work your way up your body, giving each muscle group at least three or four rolls.
7 P.M.
Chew longer

"Fill your plate with lean meats, vegetables, and gluten-free starches like rice and potatoes," says Nate Miyaki, C.S.S.N., the author of Intermittent Feast. "It's a simple way to feed your muscles without packing on fat." And chewing each bite for 30 seconds can help reduce food cravings later on, a recent study in the journal Appetite found.
8 P.M.
TAke in more vitamin D

Men with higher blood levels of vitamin D tend to have stronger upper- and lower-body muscles than those with low levels, according to a study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. That's because vitamin D acts as a hormone and may increase testosterone levels, the researchers say. Shoot for 600 IU of vitamin D a day.
9 P.M.
Record your progress

Men who keep a weight-loss journal (on paper or with an app) at least 60 per cent of the time are more likely to keep the weight off, according to researchers at the University of Pittsburgh. "And by keeping track of your workouts, you're also better able to gauge both your progress and the effectiveness of your exercise programme," says Tumminello.
10 P.M.
Drink a protein shake

Knocking back 40gm of protein before bed can boost muscle growth while you sleep by 23 per cent, according to research in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. "Look for powders high in casein, which digests slowly to provide a steady stream of protein," says Kumar.
Maximise your gym time
4 fast ways to streamline your workouts and reach your goals faster
Run, Then Pump: Cardio and strength training can mix - unless you do cardio first. Running or. biking before lifting fatigues muscles and can shave up to 2 reps off each set, say University of Memphis researchers.

Prioritise Your Lifts: 
The muscles you work first in a workout grow the strongest, say scientists in Brazil. "So hit your big ones with moves like deadlifts and rows,¨ says Nick Tumminello, C.P.T., of Performance University.

Do Buildup Sets:
 Begin each exercise with 1 or 2 lighter sets to prime your muscles for action and jumpstart your nervous system, advises Tumminello. Use 50 to 75 per cent of the weight you normally use.
Pull More Weight: Many guys can push more than they can pull, setting the stage for injury. "Do two pulling exercises for every pressing one," says Arun Kumar, fitness head, Snap Fitness chain of gyms

Thursday 13 February 2014

Weight Management: The Truth


           Weight Management: The Truth

At Body line fitness & gym we firmly believe that the best way to lose weight is through eating a healthy varied diet and coupling that with an effective exercise programme.
Since the dawn of the modern age both men and women, though predominantly the latter have strived and struggled to lose that spare tyre, those last few lbs, those last few inches or drop that dress size.
We have tried every diet under the sun and even made our own up in some cases, and it would be unfair to deny that we have had some degree of success too.  However the one thing that is almost always guaranteed is that you will eventually put the weight you have lost back on once you revert back to your usual diet, and it’s this constant yo-yo dieting that earns the diet industry over $40bn every year and this figure continues to grow year on year.
As stated at the start of this bulletin we at BODYLINE FITNESS & GYM believe firmly that the best way to lose weight and guarantee you keep it off is to eat a healthy varied diet and exercise, and not to follow these faddy 100% guaranteed success diets that seem to spring up all of the time, in order to cater to the needs of today’s consumer.
Firstly you need to face up to the reality that you’re not going to lose the weight while you continue to eat processed crappy foods.  Then, you need to determine the reasons behind why you want to lose weight, and what it ultimately will mean to you once you have lost the weight.  Set yourself some goals that are both manageable and long term and ensure that you stick to them by allowing yourself the odd reward every now and again.
Most of us know in reality what we should and shouldn’t be eating and what is and isn’t good for us, and at the end of the day the only person you’re kidding is yourself if you continue to eat crappy processed foods and then wonder why the weight isn’t dropping off.
Here are some basic tips to help you to start to lose weight and keep it off…
·         Exercise on regular basis for at least 45-60 mins at a time preferably 3-5 times per week, whilst ensuring that the exercise you do makes you work up a sweat and keeps you feeling out of breath.
·         Have someone work out your calorific requirements or BMR (basal metabolic rate) as it’s otherwise known. After all you could be eating a perfectly healthy diet, but if you’re eating too much then you may well be getting more of the required macronutrients than you need.  Similar enough you may not be getting enough of these macronutrients if you don’t eat enough, and as strange as this will sound not eating enough can also affect your ability to lose weight.
·         Eat regular but often, this helps to keep your metabolism firing on all cylinders, and helps you stave off those hunger pangs that ultimately lead to us binging on crappy sugary foods.
·         Allow yourself a cheat day every once in a while, but only every once in a while, any more often and it’s not a treat it’s a regular occurrence.
·         Try to limit alcohol intake, this affects the body in so many ways that adversely affect the way in which we process any excess energy, in turn if we are unable to process this excess energy then it will eventually be stored as body fat.
·         One of the best tips I have ever come across was this, If you normally buy something that your grandparents wouldn't recognise as food (in other words it’s pre packed and goes in a microwave) then it’s probably full of additives and preservatives, which themselves can go a long way to inhibiting fat/weight loss, so stop buying it!
Ultimately guys the main thing to get from all this is that we need to start taking more care over what we eat when we eat it and what we make our body’s do in terms of exercise.  Most people don’t have the first clue what to do about this, this is because for most people they stopped learning about food and exercise when they left school.  You also have the younger generation now who live almost constantly on junk and convenience food, It’s easy to try to blame this on our busy lifestyles and work life, in reality though it’s sad to say it’s due to laziness/poor planning and poor education about food.  The math is simple really, we sleep an average of 7hrs per night multiply that by 7 for the days in the week and you get 49hrs sleep a week, we work on average 37hrs per week also giving you a grand total of  86hrs per week, considering that we have 168hrs in a week that leaves us with the grand total of 82hrs each and every week to socialise, exercise and get our food intake right.
So, no time = no excuse!
If you've decided that you want to lose weight or you want to just overhaul your nutrition intake and get fit then that’s what we at BODY LINE FITNESS & GYM can do for you.
Just get in touch and we will help you achieve your goals.
 check out the facilities

                                                                    WEIGHTS ROOM


                              check the main website for more details: www.bodylinenigeria.com



hey beautiful people of this great blog, here is another fantastic great CERTIFIED SPINNING INSTRUCTOR YOU NEED TO KNOW IN NIGERIA.

                                                             ISAAC AGBO

Isaac Agbo is an experienced personal trainer and spinning instructor at BODY LINE FITNESS & GYM  in Ikoyi, Lagos.

he fell in love with group fitness because of the fun and energy that a community of participants creates. he firmly believes exercise should never be a chore, or on the 'To Do' list - it should be something members look forward to! This sense of fun, passion and excitement is something he attempts to pass on to her members, so never be afraid to join in the "Spin sanity - Indoor cycling class"' or come and say hello before or after a class! :)

Helping other achieve their fitness goals, keeping individuals motivated, and encouraging my classes to have fun and be confident!

With driving music and exciting drills, we bring your outdoor cycling experience indoors without the dangers of motorists and potholes. You’ll climb hills, pass riders on the flats and maybe even do a few time trials. Get ready to sweat!

  • Weight Loss
  • Toning
  • Body-building
  • Functional Training
  • Core Strength
  • Strength/Power Training
  • Cross Training
  • Intervals
  • Circuit Training
  • Sports
  • Kids' Fitness & spinning 
  • Cardio
  • Fun Group Training
The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... These are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.
The only workout you'll ever regret is the one you didn't do

CONTACT: 08062897879, 08095340657

Wednesday 12 February 2014

The Lynxxx Effect

             The Lynxxx Effect

Lynxxx exploded onto the Nigerian music scene in 2009 with his debut single, 'Change Your Parade'. From that point on there was no looking back. For artist, style icon and co-owner of Syndik8 Records, his success wasn't by chance and his love for music started way before he found fame and became one of the most talked about artists in the Nigerian music industry. Fresh of the back of a Pepsi endorsement and on an insanely busy schedule, Lynxx found the time to talk to Eden Lifestyle about his music and how he manages to stay in such tremendous shape.

When did you decide to get into music, or has it always been in your system?
A: Music has always been something I've loved, its always been a part of my life because what ever I am doing, I would most likely have music playing in the background. I had my 1st studio experience as far back as 1998, at the Even Ezra studio in Victoria Island by Mobil Station Maroko. I used to be in a group with a few friends called SECT (which was formed out of our 4 initials and I represented the C) but that didn't last long.

Fast forward to 2004, after numerous meetings with certain Label heads turning us down saying our music isn't marketable here in Nigeria, a few friends of mine headed by (my business partner / producer) Ikon & I, decided to start our own movement and record company which today is know as Syndik8 Records because it was up to us to take matters into our own hands. Under the Syndik8 Label, we released a series of Mixtapes online and got hundreds of thousands of plays on our myspace page. In 2008 we built a Digital recording studio in ParkView Estate Lagos called "The Syndik8 RedRoom Studio" and produced for a host of artists from the likes of Ikechukwu, Naeto c, Saucekid, Sasha and the list goes on.

In 2009 I decided to move back from the UK to Nigeria because I felt it was time to officially give the industry a try, and fortunately I made my Debut hit single "Change Ur Parade" and the rest is history.

Did your family support the decision to be an artist?
A: Fortunately for me, I am known for being a relentless business man, so when I decided to do music full time, I got the full support from the family, which is all you need to bring out the best in you and I am grateful for the support they give me.

You are in pretty good shape, do you have to work at it or are you naturally fit?
A: Lol, a lot of people don't know this but until late 2007 I was a very skinny guy! I started working out mid 2007, and literally lived in the gym and then results began coming along and I just haven't stopped. I may slow down on my exercise when I get really busy but I never stop working out. I try my best to always be in shape.

Tell us what your average workout session is like. How often do you exercise?
A: I exercise at least 3 times a week but on average I try to workout no less than 5 times a week.

Do you watch what you eat?
A: It varies, on tour you have no choice but to eat whenever you can because of the crazy schedules and hard work involved. But when I'm at home I try not to get into the habit of sodas and junk cos we all love the unhealthy things in life which just taste so good lol. So when I feel like I am putting on too much weight and I'm getting carried away , I caution myself and get a strict diet in order.

What are your weaknesses in the food department?
A: Sodas, and junk food in general. Shawarmas , cake and general fastfood. I'm always on the go so its more convenient to stop and grab fastfood but we all know the repercussions.

We saw you show ur basketball skills at the recent celebrity faceoff, do you have a sports background? Do you play any sports now?
A: Funny enough I hadn't played basket ball for over 6years before that day. I used to back in the day but I've been very rusty in recent years unfortunately.

What do you do to relax?
A: I usually just pop in a movie and chill out, or listen to some good rnb or soul music. I hardly sleep so that's something I try to catch up on when I'm idle.

What motivates you to get up and go, especially on 'i wanna stay in bed' days?
A: Very simple, the fear of failure & the guilt of being lazy when you know your colleagues are out there getting the work in.

Your live performances are quite energetic, how do you prepare for a show?
A: I just stay calm and composed before I hit the stage, and when I eventually do I then get this sudden energy rush and I go into this personal arena where I can't see anyone but just strive to put on a good show for the audience.

Do you feel more pressure to stay in shape for your work?
A: Yes I do because more often than not people talk about my physique so it puts pressure on me to stay in shape and not lose the brand identity the supporters love.

You're becoming quite the style icon, do you think men should care about how they look?
A: I believe everyone should always care about the appearance. Speaking for myself, my appearance plays a big roll in my confidence. The more comfortable you look and feel the more confident you are and who knows what opportunities something as simple as your appearance may open?

What's your favourite thing in your wardrobe?
A: Hmmm.... That would probably be my host of suits, in different colors, patterns and fits. I'm a GQ kinda guy, I like to look sharp.

What advice do you have for aspiring artists that want to emulate your success.
A: Just be your self, always remain grounded most especially after the success, be original and don't let what people say about you affect your goal or originality and lastly, Put God 1st.

Thank you so much for your time, and may God continue to bless your hustle

Lynxx's new single, 'Fine Lady ft Wizkid' is out now!

Calories In Nigerian Food

                  Calories In Nigerian Food 

Calories in Beans
In Nigeria, Beans is one of our favourite meals. It is loved by weight loss experts because of its high protein content. This is the calorie content of Naija beans made with the following ingredients:
  • 1/5 teaspoon of curry powder: 1 calorie
  • 1 tbsp Salt: 0 calories
  • 1 tbsp Palm Oil: 120 calories
  • 1/4 of an Onion: 16 calories
  • 1oz Crayfish
  • 1 cup White Beans: 378 calories
  • x1 Maggi Cubes: 5 calories
This come to a total of 520 calories, and if you cook it without oil, you can cut out a further 120 calories. 

Ugwu Leaf
Ugwu leaf is a good ingredient for cooking when trying to lose weight. A cup of chopped Ugwu contains only 14 calories of which more than 50% is Protein. Furthermore vegetables are good for weight loss and they help keep you feeling full. 

A lot of us like Samosas; but they are loaded with far more calories than you would imagine possible for their size. The average sized vegetable samosa contains 80 calories! And if you think about how easy it is to keep reaching for them, it is clear that Samosas are not your friend for weight loss. 

Tuwo (White Cornmeal)
One cup of white cornmeal (tuwo) is roughly 450 calories

Akara is one of our best-loved Naija foods. It is made from beans, tomatoes, pepper, onions and any other flavourful ingredients you might want to add. Should you omit Akara from your diet when losing weight? You decide. Each ball of Akara contains approximately 71 calories, but that is if you add just the basic ingredients mentioned above. The more you add, the more calorific it gets. 

Of the 71 calories, Fat makes up just 5 calories. However this might vary as the amount of cholesterol contained depends on the kind of oil you used to fry it. If you use cholesterol free oil, then you have no cholesterol in it.

Pounded Yam (Iyan)
Iyan (Pounded Yam) is one of our highest calorie high carbohydrate foods. Imagine you are dividing the amount of pounded yam eaten into cups (milk tins), then one cup of pounded yam is about 400 calories. I doubt if anyone eats that small a serving, so if for instance you eat 2 milk tin-sized balls of pounded yam, you are already at 800 calories. By the time you tot up the value of your soup, you are looking at a very high calorie meal indeed. 

Indomie Noodles
Indomie Instant Noodles are a nationally popular food. Indomie contains a lot of calories. One pack of Indomie Chicken Curry flavour contains 342 calories. For many adults, you can double this figure as they consume two packs. Of these 342 calories in each pack, 48 percent is Carbohydrates. Therefore Indomie is a high Carb high calorie meal. If you are aiming for weight loss, I would advise you to please stay away from Indomie.

Banga Soup
I am not an expert Banga soup maker, but these are the basic ingredients of Banga soup and their corresponding calorie contents:
  • Estimated oils from the palm kernel fruit: 360 calories
  • 1/3 Maggi Chicken cube: 3 calories
  • 1/4 of an Onion: 16 calories
  • 1/10 of a Red Bell Pepper: 10 calories
  • 1/4 Stockfish (cod): 45calories
  • 1tsp of cray fish: 6 calories
This comes to a total of 440 calories. Remember that by the time you add your meat and your Iyan, you have added more calories.

Jollof Rice
Remember that the actual calories of your meal depend on what you add. These are the calories in Nigerian Jollof Rice using the following basic ingredients:
  • 1 cup of raw white rice: 693 calories
  • 1 tbsp Groundnut oil: 120 calories
  • 1 Raw Tomato: 35 calories
  • 1/4 of an Onion: 16 calories
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/3 of a Maggi Chicken cube: 3 calories
  • 1/5 tsp of curry powder: 1 calorie
  • 1/5 tsp of Thyme: 0.04 calories
The calorie total comes to 868 calories. 

Calories in Eba/Garri
To calculate how many calories there are in your Eba or your raw Garri that you drink, here is the calorie content of a cup of Raw Garri. Garri has 360 calories of which 99% is Carbohydrate.

These is the calorie content of your basic Nigerian Stew using the following ingredients:
  • 2 tbsp Groundnut Oil: 239 calories
  • x1 Raw Tomato: 35 calories
  • 1/3 Maggi Chicken Cube: 3 calories
  • 1/4 of an Onion: 16 calories
This makes a total of 293 calories. Whatever you add determines the final calorie content of the stew, but these are just the basic ingredients to give you an idea of how many calories there are in Stew.