Tuesday, 14 October 2014


40 Minute Blast - Abs, Cardio And Resistance Workout

A cardio, weights and abs workout perfect for those days when you need to do something fun at the gym. Simply grab a heavy and light set of dumbbells and go!

Workout Summary

Main Goal: General Fitness

Workout Type: Cardio
Training Level: Beginner
Days Per Week: 2
Equipment Required: Bodyweight, Dumbbells
Target Gender: Male & Female
Author: John Gormen

Workout Description

Strap on your game face, stretch, get warmed up and let's roll!
This is cardio and abs workout that you can use to break the gym boredom. It also involves resistance training. If you are feeling like you need a break from the same old dull workout routine, but don't want to train like a wet noodle either, give this a try.
You will cycle between a resistance exercise, cardio and an abdomimal exercise. Rest 15-30 seconds between each step of the workout.
It is best to use 2 sets of dumbbells for this workout, a heavier set for the tougher lifts, and a lighter set for isolation movements. You can also set up near a dumbbell rack and grab dumbbells as you need them, if possible.

40 Minute Blast

Abs, Cardio and Resistance Workout

Exercise                       Reps
Dumbbell Bench Press   10
Treadmill - Walking          30 seconds
Weighted Sit Ups             20
Treadmill - Running         30 seconds
Two Arm Dumbbell Rows             10
Treadmill - Walking          30 seconds
Plank                                     30 seconds
Treadmill - Running         30 seconds
Dumbbell Arnold Press  10
Treadmill - Walking          30 seconds
Lying Leg Raises                                20
Treadmill - Running         30 seconds
Dumbbell Lunges             10
Treadmill - Walking          30 seconds
Floor Toe Reach                                20

Exercise                       Reps
Treadmill - Running         30 seconds
Dumbbell Curls                 10 each
Treadmill - Walking          30 seconds
Abdominal Air Bike          20
Treadmill - Running         30 seconds
Exercise                         Reps
Dumbbell Flyes                 10
Treadmill - Walking          30 seconds
Weighted Sit Ups             20
Treadmill - Running         30 seconds
Pull Ups                                10
Treadmill - Walking          30 seconds
Plank                                     30 seconds
Treadmill - Running         30 seconds
Side Dumbbell Laterals  10

Exercise                       Reps
Treadmill - Walking          30 seconds
Lying Leg Raises                                20
Treadmill - Running         30 seconds
Goblet Squats                   10
Treadmill - Walking          30 seconds
Floor Toe Reach                                20
Treadmill - Running         30 seconds
Two Arm Seated Dumbbell Extension     10 each
Treadmill - Walking          30 seconds
Abdominal Air Bike          20

Treadmill - Running         30 seconds


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