Wednesday, 3 September 2014


How Much Weight to Lift?

One of the biggest mistakes and misunderstandings among inexperienced bodybuilders is to think that you have to lift extremely heavy weights in order to stimulate muscle growth. They believe that gradually increasing the size of the weights they lift, will also gradually increase the size of their muscles. Although this might sound logic at first sight, nothing is less true. Bodybuilding is not the same as strength training. I have seen countless small guys lifting extremely heavy weights without ever being able to develop any significant muscle mass.
The only role that the size of the weights plays in an effective bodybuilding training routine, is to ensure that your reps are so intense that you are not able to do more than about 10 quality reps per set. Far more important are the form of your reps, and the correct application of the principles of continuous tension and full range of motion throughout your sets. So the answer to the question is: "use the heaviest possible weights that allow you to perform 10 quality reps."


Read this page again until you fully understand each aspect of it, as the training is by far the most complex part of being a true natural bodybuilder. If you want to learn more about effective body building training, I recommend you to watch some good training videos. If you are a beginner, also check out my bodybuilding training routines for beginners and advanced trainees.


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